Born in Valencia, Spain, in 1922, Dr. Martin Villar received his degree in Medicine and Surgery at the Universidad de Valencia in 1945 where he later carried out post-graduate studies in General Pathology until 1947. He spent the following seven years as an internist in the private sector.
From 1955 to 1960, he worked on his post-graduate degree in Internal Medicine and Anatomical Pathology in Canada at the Ottawa Civic Hospital and Ottawa General Hospital, receiving the Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada. Between 1960 and 1965, Dr. Martin Villar focused his efforts on the clinic and on his research in the field of haematology in the department of Medicine at the Ottawa Medical School.
When he returned from Canada and until 1992, he was Head of the Haematology Unit at the Hospital La Paz in Madrid, where he organized his own Haemophilia Unit. In 1970, he received his doctorate in Medicine from the University of Valencia.